Components Of Internet Marketing

There are a variety of different components that combine to create internet marketing campaigns. Essentially, internet marketing needs to involve all or at least the majority of these components in order to be effective and worth the time and effort that is involved in creating it. This article will discuss the different components and how they all come together to create an effective, worthwhile marketing campaign that any business owner can be proud of.
The first step in an internet marketing campaign is to create and set up your website. Your website will include a lot of text, some images, and perhaps even audio and video elements. This gives visitors a clear picture of your message that you are sending about your company. It will show potential customers the features and the benefits of the products or services that your company is offering. Some websites include lead capture for customers or even sell their product or service directly through the website. These websites are essentially the same as brochures or mail order catalogs. They are a wonderful way to start establishing your business and getting noticed.
Search engine marketing is another component of internet marketing. This means that a website is marketed through search engines by improving the ranking of the site through search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, or pay for inclusion listings in directories. This is similar to offline advertising that is done through listings in the yellow pages.
The next component is email marketing. This distributes information about your products or services or is used to get feedback from your customers about your products or services through your email. Customers and prospective customers can supply their email addresses or you can choose to purchase email addresses through lists. There are various email methods that are used including newsletter distribution or mass mailings or even offering your customers special things related to your company’s products or services that are being offered. This is basically the same as direct mail advertising that is done offline.
Banner advertising allows for placement of advertisements on a website for a price. There are many providers that are offering banner advertisements on their sites. It can be a very effective part of your internet marketing campaign and can increase your traffic. Newspaper and magazine ads would be the offline comparison to banner advertisements.
Press releases on the internet require a story being written about a company, products, services, or website. These stories or articles must be newsworthy and very attention getting. If you are not attracting attention, you are not going to get traffic or sales to your website. There are many sites on the internet that are centered on press releases.
The next component is blog marketing. This is where you post comments, share your opinions, or make announcements on forums. This can be done through hosting a blog of your own or by adding comments and URLs in blogs that are related to your business and what you have to offer online.
The last component of internet marketing is article marketing. This means that you write articles that are centered on your business and then publish them on different internet sites that relate to articles. Articles are normally passed around the internet and shared with others. Article marketing can give you a huge boost to your business and to website traffic. This can get you a much more targeted audience because your articles are specific to what you have to offer.